'Let It Snow' and 'Hanukkah' | Google Tricks and Easter Eggs

December 18, 2011|  

Just a few months after Google's "Do a barrel roll" trick, Google has come up with two new easter eggs.

1. Let It Snow:

Just type "Let it snow" in the search box and you'll see snow falling over your search results. The snow gets denser and denser with time and allows you to skate on it by dragging your mouse over the frozen search results. Google provides an option to defrost the snow which clears the page while the snow continues to fall.

2. Hanukkah:

Google is celebrating Hanukkah with a new small trick. Type "Hanukkah" in the search box and you'll see a linear pattern below the search box.


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25 June 2024 at 01:35 delete

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